
Create a Custom Template Block

Start off by creating a new app in your project, e.g. a blocks app. Conent blocks in fancypages are basically Django models that require a few additional attributes and definitions.

Let’s assume we want to create a simple widget that displays a custom template without providing any additional data that can be edited. All we need to do is define the following model:

from fancypages.models.blocks import ContentBlock
from fancypages.library import register_content_block

class MyTemplateBlock(ContentBlock):
    name = _("My template")
    code = u'my-template'
    group = u'My Blocks'
    template_name = u'blocks/my_template_block.html'

    def __unicode__(self):

The first three attributes name, code and group are important and have to be specified on every new content block.

name Display name of the content block
code Unique code for the block to be identified by
group Blocks can be grouped by using the same group name here

Changing Rich Text Editor

Fancypages uses Trumbowyg as the rich text editor by default. It is an open-source tool licensed under the MIT license and provides the basics required for rich text editing in the fancypages editor panel.

Alternatively, other rich text editors can be used instead. Fancypages comes with an alternative setup for Froala. Although Froala is a more comprehensive editor, it is not the default because of its license. It is only free to use for personal and non-profit project, commercial projects require a license.

Switching to Froala

The Froala editor can be enabled in three simple steps but before we get started, you have to download Froala from their website and unpack it.

Step 1: Copy the files froala_editor.min.js and froala_editor.min.css into your project’s static file directory. This would usually be something like static/libs/froala/.

Step 2: Override the fancypages partials that define JavaScript and CSS files required to the editor panel. Copy the following three files from fancypages into your template directory:


Remove the trumbowyg.css and trumbowyg.min.js files forom the head.html and extrascripts.html respectively and replace them with the corresponding CSS and JavaScript files for Froala. You’ll also need to add Font Awesome to the cdn_scripts.html, e.g.:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

Step 3: Set the rich text editor to Froala when initialising the Fancypages app in the editor panel by overwriting templates/fancypages/editor/body.html and starting the application using:

    FancypageApp.start({'editor': 'froala'});

The rich text editors in the editor panel should now use Froala instead of the default Trumbowyg editor.

Using a custom editor

You can also use your favourite editor by adding all the JavaScript and CSS requirements similar to the Froala example and providing a Backbone/Marionette view class that provides the necessary initialisations. For an example, take a look at the FroalaEditor and TrumbowygEditor views in the Marionette views for Fancypages. To enable your editor set the editor option for the Fancypages app to custom and pass you view class as the editorView. An example might look like this:

        editor: 'custom',
        editorView: myownjavascript.Views.FavouriteEditor

Customising Rich Text Editor

In addition to choose the editor you want to use for rich text editing, you can also configure the way the editor behaves by passing editor-specific options to the fancypages app when it is initialised in the fancypages/editor/body.html template. Simply overwrite the template and update the script section at the bottom with something like this:

.. code-block:: javascript

editor: ‘trumbowyg’, editorOptions: {

fullscreenable: true btns: [

‘viewHTML’, ‘|’, ‘formatting’, ‘|’, ‘link’, ‘|’, ‘insertImage’, ‘|’, ‘insertHorizontalRule’



